Tuesday, September 27, 2011

t o d a y s f a v :

i'm soooo into art nail but not dare enuff to create it on my nails... love this pic a lot! my fav totally black polish with those sexy lips stamp... you can browse more fascinating design through this girl blog, Chloe's Nail. Well, chloe is her daughter' name actually... she's Erika & gorgeously 30's. I lov her coz of her talent & creative... So, have  a glitter look guys! hav fun with your manicure...

[pic story]
image via pinterest & chloe's nails


  1. cat kuku boleh jadi ibadah sunnah jika pakai untuk menggoda suami. tapi jadi haram untuk tunjuk pada orang lain terutama lelaki yang bukan muhrim. dan tidak sah berwuduk jika jari ada bendaalah ni.

    sekadar perkongsian.


  2. Kalau laki pakai? haha. untuk goda isteri boleh lah kot haha.

  3. hahahahha... thats so true! pompuan blh pakai time 'redflag' je.. dgn izin suami ok je! cantik utk suami. hahaha... kalo suami yg pki nk goda isteri, dh nmpak mcm marylin manson dh.. scary nye!


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