Tuesday, March 15, 2011

t o d a y' s f a v :

Since few of my frens will hav new baby.. So, here are some inspiration for them! Good luck to Fira, Ija, Farah, Shila, Smurf and more... congratulation to Diana for her hew born baby!

[pics story]
1- Both I found at digsdigs


  1. owoh comey ngat.ni rase mcm nk tambh sorang lagi ni.hehe.nway pn ernie aku link doh mu,sila link bagi ye.thx babe!

  2. Ernie...stylo la..tapi mana nok cari sini? esp bandaraya ni? kalu setakat baby cot biase2 tu adela...

  3. wahida ~ oledy done! muahahha... mnde g pakat2 la kite meramaikan lg warge trg!
    shila ~ hok gini kena custom.. xdok jual kt bandaraye kite... hehhehehhe... tp mcm stail dulu2 sket op!


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